Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Still sick.

Got the tripe whammy (sp? .. I am not going to spell check or edit this .. so sorry!)

I have the crud, as previously mentioned.
I have a NyQuil hangeover. I don't do well with cold medicine.
And then I get *the visit*, which for me, is h-e-l-l!
I am crabby, bloated and nauseous. Did I mention crabby?

Be back soon!

Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else. - Eleanor Roosevelt, human rights activist

[Jesus said,] "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep." John 10:14-15


Anonymous said...

being sick and having a "visit" is the worst! That hot and sour soup remedy sounds good, followed by chocolate for the "other" thing of course LOL

Anonymous said...

How miserable! I hope you're back to rights soon... I highly recommend hiding out under the covers for as long as humanly possible!

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better soon. Get lots of rest.

Prunella Jones said...

Poor Fran! I reccommend a couple of videos for the kids so they won't pester you and a nice trashy tabloid or novel to be read while eating chocolate pudding. This combo won't cure but will soothe.

T-girl said...

aWWW... i HOPE YOU ARE FEELING BETTER SOON!!! Sorry this is in caps... lock was on and I am too lazy to retype it! LMAO

Big hugs- T

T-girl said...

aWWW... i HOPE YOU ARE FEELING BETTER SOON!!! Sorry this is in caps... lock was on and I am too lazy to retype it! LMAO

Big hugs- T

Drewpy Drew said...

As my grandmother used to say:

"When you're sick, you don't feel good."

As my brother says:

"Get well, goon." LOL :)

Feel better soon.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Feel better! And when you do, go over to Drew's--he tagged you.

Buffy said...

Feel better soon dear.

(p.s. how are Percy & Marj?)

xxxx said...

No! I hope you feel better!

Frannie Farmer said...

ffleur - I love the "hot and sour" soup and think I might be able to stomach it tonight. It sounds really good actually!
Trish - Amen. It has been the worst, especially since I haven't even been able to eat chocolate. I even let the brood order pizza one night ... rare form for Frannie.
Bre Thanks and I did try. A lot!
Leighann thanks sweets. i'm gettin' there.
Videos - check
Trashy tabloids - check
Trashy novels - check
Chocolate pudding - sent Mr. Farmer to the store this morning - must be cold and in individual servings!
T Thanks baby!
Drew Thanks for the giggle. I feel like a goon today!
Manic :) Thanks for the heads up!
Buffy Thanks hon. Percy has been taking advantage of the situation by visiting the Widow Wilson's little pekingese .. I certainly hope he has been careful .. Marj is one jealous bitch!
Swishy Not quite 100% but maybe 75 .. I'll take it though!