Thursday, December 14, 2006

Thursday Thirteen

Well, I was gonna do Wordless Wednesday, which would have been soooo much easier than Thursday Thirteen, but then I made the mistake of looking at my calendar and realized that it wasn't actually Wednesday.

So did ya know that there is actually a blog dedicated to Thursday Thirteen?
You can join the Forum, get the The Code and even hook yourself up to the Blogroll.

From what I can see, your Thursday Thirteen (come on, I dare ya - try and say or type that 10 times fast!) doesn't have to be specific. The ones I read today ranged from Why My Home Is So Chaotic to Thirteen Movies I Love To Watch At Christmas to Thirteen Reasons to go to the Family Reunion and finally (well that are a ton more, but I liked these) My nutcrackers are special because .... so, you can see the topics are vast.

I will also say that most of these ladies have kicka$$ graphics. I didn’t take the time to see who designed their blogs, but they were really cool. If I ever decide to get something more personalized I am absolutely going to check w/these gals to see who created their cool designs!

I don’t think that I will join the Thursday Thirteen group though. I doubt that I can actually commit to participating every Thursday, heck I can hardly commit to brushing my teeth daily … but I think it is sort of a neat idea.

And without further ado …my Thursday Thirteen …

Thirteen Questions I have

1) Why do I keep getting emails from Star Jones Reynolds ? I didn’t agree w/her opinions when she was on The View, I certainly don’t need to hear them now.
2) Where do the missing socks go? Seriously, I know it is an age old question, but it is making me c-r-a-z-y!
3) Why is it so hard for me to sit, read and concentrate on my Bible, but I could blog all day – if given the time?
4) Why is it so easy for some people to lie, cheat or steal? I can barely fudge it when fudging it is the right thing to do.
5) Why is it so darned easy to gain weight and so excruciatingly hard to lose it?
6) Why do antidepressants actually make you more depressed?
7) Why is it, when you don’t want to talk to anyone, your phone rings constantly?
8) How come no one ever just drops by when your house is clean, you have already taken a shower and you have a bra on? This is my life.
9) Who are the people that skirt through my blog daily, without a hello, pardon me or you suck?
10) Why are 80’s fashions popular again? Come on, they were ugly the first time, why do we need to repeat them?
11) How can I get so angry at someone I love so much, and yet have so much patience with someone that I care nothing about?
12) How is it possible that I drank six (yes 6) cups of coffee and two Diet Pepsi’s today and yet I am still tired?
13) Why does it have to get dark at 4:30pm in the winter? I hate it. It makes me want to take a nap, not make dinner. Maybe I have SAD. Yep, that’s it – the answer to all my problems … I just need more sunshine. LOL!

Wow, I thought this was going to be hard, but now that I got goin’ I have even more obscure questions on my mind – like how is it possible for children to watch the same movie 5, 6, 7 or even 8 times in a day and still be surprised by the ending?


~ Frannie

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. - Albert Einstein, physicist

God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgin's name was Mary. The angel went to her and said, "Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you." Luke 1:26-28


TTQ said...

Hi I was here! daily.

T-girl said...

"heck I can hardly commit to brushing my teeth daily … but I think it is sort of a neat idea."

You think brushing your teeth daily or Thursdays Thirteen is a neat idea? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!

I SO agree with number 8... if I am braless that means a horde of my hubbies friends will start stopping by at any moment- it is like they have boob-dar or something! LMAO

#13 I was JUST thinking the same damn thing at 5 when our power went out and it was pitch dark!!!! LOL

Hugs... I "get" it!- T

T-girl said...

"heck I can hardly commit to brushing my teeth daily … but I think it is sort of a neat idea."

You think brushing your teeth daily or Thursdays Thirteen is a neat idea? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!

I SO agree with number 8... if I am braless that means a horde of my hubbies friends will start stopping by at any moment- it is like they have boob-dar or something! LMAO

#13 I was JUST thinking the same damn thing at 5 when our power went out and it was pitch dark!!!! LOL

Hugs... I "get" it!- T

T-girl said...

"heck I can hardly commit to brushing my teeth daily … but I think it is sort of a neat idea."

You think brushing your teeth daily or Thursdays Thirteen is a neat idea? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!

I SO agree with number 8... if I am braless that means a horde of my hubbies friends will start stopping by at any moment- it is like they have boob-dar or something! LMAO

#13 I was JUST thinking the same damn thing at 5 when our power went out and it was pitch dark!!!! LOL

Hugs... I "get" it!- T

Prunella Jones said...

Love your list. Those are great questions! But I am concerned about number 6. If your antidepressants are making you feel worse then tell your doc to switch you to something else. Sometimes it takes awhile to find the right one.

Anonymous said...

I say, strap on that bra, brush your teeth and go sit outside and read the Bible in the sunshine. That'll make you feel better. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Frannie!

I am here mostly daily! I see you and I have many of the same burning life questions as me......except I don't get email from Star Jones