Friday, September 12, 2008

Pay it forward

I had a really nice experience at my local Starbucks this afternoon ... I had a long, long, long week - with children spread out hither and yan, over whelmed by my non-profit gig and that job that is actually supposed to pay me ... if I actually do the necessary work ...

anywho, I digress ... nice experience - Friday morning driving around running errands and in desperate need of sleep or caffeine. Since, at that moment, sleep isn't going to happen any time soon (please note that it is now 11:15 pm and I have been up since 6am & am still not quite near sleep .. opps, digressing again), caffeine it is. Not just any caffeine - it really does have to be Starbucks with a non-fat muffin of sorts and of course, since I have AngelBaby in tow, we'll need a kids chocolate milk ...

So, rather than face the daunting task of actually taking AngelBaby into my favorite Starbucks, I drive a little out of my way to go to the Starbucks with a drive through. I pull up and order my Vente non-fat single pump pumpkin spice latte, my non-fat apple bran muffin, and AngelBaby's mini-chocolate milk. WooHoo! I can't wait.

When I pull up to say for said purchase, the barista informs me that the lady in front of me has paid for my drinks - well actually my entire purchase. Wow. I am stunned. Now, I have had this happen before, but only when I frequented a place daily and knew the other patrons - which I do not anymore ... it has been a long, long time!

So, I said 'well then I will just have to pay for the person behind me' ... which I did.

Now, I wasn't able to catch the eye of the lady in the car in front of me -- I must have spent too many seconds being stunned (I did, however, notice that her 'membership to the Country Club sticker' was prominently placed on her rear window ... but that was before she had paid for my goods) ... and I felt bad because I would have like to at least given her a sweet wave and a smile - or better yet, have AngelBaby blow her a kiss ...

But, the lady whose drinks I paid for (only $6) pulled up beside me and said 'thank you so much'. Of course we were driving, so I couldn't respond other than a smile ... but I felt bad. As if I should confess that I didn't think of it on my own -- that really, she should thank the lady with the 'membership to the Country Club sticker' in the while Volvo ...

I left feel thrilled and dishonest at the same time ...

hmmmm. Something to ponder.


The morning cup of coffee has an exhilaration about it which the cheering influence of the afternoon or evening cup of tea cannot be expected to reproduce. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., "Over the Teacups," 1891

He replied, "You give them something to eat." They answered, "We have only five loaves of bread and two fish--unless we go and buy food for all this crowd."
Luke 9:13


Mackenzie1975 said...

Not back but wanted to see how you were and to let you know that you are always thought of! Thanks for touching my life.

Anonymous said...

Please read the last post on my blog when you get a second.

Thanks girl!

The Girl Next Door said...

I have NEVER had this happen to me but I keep hearing about it! WHAT is up with that? Is it me? Do I O-fend? LOL

Oh and nothing like noticing something like a Country Club sticker, snorting at it only to have them do something nice and make you feel like a total tool! LOL I CAN say that THIS has happened to me WAY to many times to count! LOL

Hugs and kisses to you- T

Random Musings said...

I do this every time I go through McDonlads drive through....
It sure does feel good.
And I started because of someone in Starbucks doing it for me...