Friday, October 20, 2006

While I am appreciating mine

and you are appreciating yours ... please say a special, much needed, prayer for this family -

Canon Crisis ~ Please Pray...

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I was led to Sprittibee's blog today ... after my musings regarding taking my time with my children for granted. Nothing is a better reminder than this ...

Please go read Canon's blog for the terrible news of his
turn for the worse.

I want to thank you so much on Carla's behalf for praying for her little boy. I don't know her personally, but my friend Teresa grew up with her. I spoke with Teresa today and am going to make a trip to the hospital soon to take cards up there for Carla and Canon. I am praying against any brain damage or worse.

I know that God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we would like, but I pray that GOD WOULD DRAW CARLA TO HIM EVEN IF HIS ANSWER IS NO.

PLEASE please pray for her. Her heart is breaking. Pray for Canon's brother and sister, also. Pray for his grandma. Pray that no matter what happens, that the Peace of God and His Perfect Plan is revealed to their hearts and in their lives. Pray that His comfort surrounds them in these hours of trial.

Carla has said that for the first time she has had to deal with the scary thought that Canon may not come home with her... and she has never thought that before. Remember that this little one has had many heart surgeries and has always come home with her before. Please pray that this time is no different... and that God will "part the Red Sea" for Carla and show her His wonders. Pray that even if His answer is NO, and that Canon must go home to be with his Father... that Carla's and her family's hearts will be comforted and that they will Know that the Lord has Canon's best interests in His Heart.

Pray for them to have understanding if there is not a miracle for Canon right now.

Pray that God would change His mind like He did for Hezekiah if it will not be against His plans for Canon's life.

I say Amen to all these things... and thank God for all of you who are praying for them. If you would like to send something to Canon's family, you can get the address from the websites if you look up what hospital he is at. Please donate a few dollars to his trust fund to help single mom Carla pay for all the mounting medical and extra living expenses that are building...

GOD BLESS YOU ALL for praying and posting on your blogs about him. I have been so touched by how many sweet Christian homeschoolers have put photos of Canon and prayer requests for him on their blogs. If you are one of the blogs who are praying for Canon, please leave me a comment on this post so I can thank you personally!

In His Grip (even if there's "pain in the offering")

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