Friday, October 27, 2006

Just call me K-L-U-T-Z!

Yep, Frannie is not the epitome of eloquence and grace. In fact a far cry from it.

I can trip, fall or otherwise injure myself by simply breathing – not even moving. I can, I swear.

Did you know that Frannie means Free Woman – or even Free One? (Actually Francis means Free Man and Frances is the feminine form and Frannie is diminutive of Frances – ok so …) Well, although my name means Free in one form or another - I know that it does not indicate that I will be free from bruises.

I sometimes think they just jump up onto my skin and stick themselves there because I can not remember where they could come from. You would think that I might recall where/when I had managed to hit myself hard enough to gain a bruise the size of Texas … generally not so much.

However, the events of this morning, and the bruise that is certain to follow, I am certain I will recall for years to come.

Boy am I long winded this morning … I apologize!

So, after gettin’ up this mornin’, feeding the animals, startin’ the coffee and makin’ sure that the breakfast table was ready … I wandered upstairs to awaken the brood.

Never an easy task, even on the best of days; but I managed to get everyone up and about.
AngelBaby was a bit groggy, so I carried her downstairs … of course Little Miss was holding on to the back side of my pants … when suddenly I slipped and whooshed down the stairs.

Bum, hip, elbow, bum, hip, elbow – crash, bang – BOOM … head against the stairs. Ouch!
Now I did manage to keep AngelBaby in my arms and I didn’t crush poor Little Miss but I did manage to scare the beejesus out of everyone. Sweetie Pie came running and Heartbreaker snarled something about too much Drama and too many people in this house...

Anywho … I am a klutz. In the biggest way! But this bruise .. I am gonna remember.
And that migraine I have been complainin’ about … yea, it isn’t goin’ anywhere now.

Good night ... Frannie
(yes, I know it's 11am, but I need a nap!)

I firmly believe that in every situation, no matter how difficult, God extends grace greater than the hardship, and strength and peace of mind that can lead us to a place higher than where we were before. -Andy Griffith

The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12


Anonymous said...

HAHA! I am a hopeless clutz, too! I just wrote about it in my latest post. You might want to check it out. c",)

Keep up the blogging and take care! :p

Frannie Farmer said...

Irene ~ I will check it out!
C.Ella ~ Mr. Farmer calls me Grace too! :O)
Thanks for stopping in ladies, I appreciate it and will be over to visit soon!

Messy Mom said...

Seems like "grace" is a common nickname around here! DH calles me that when I stumble over my own feet!

Messy Mom said...

I am called "Grace" by my DH too!